Work with our team of Cameroon TV Pluggers

TV Plugging

Our Cameroon TV plugger team plugs important music channels such as MTV, The Box, Kiss TV, Chart Show TV, Clubland TV, Pop, Starz and terrestrial TV amongst others. Our pluggers can provide an essential link to music programmers and discuss the project in details with the channels in order to achieve video plays.

Our Cameroon TV pluggers also promote to various music programme providers to retail outlets, gyms, shopping centres, clubs and bars etc.

Work with our team of Cameroon Radio Pluggers

Radio Plugging

Our national radio pluggers provides a comprehensive promotion campaign covering the main national stations – Radio 1, Capital FM, Kiss & Heart. Our pluggers have regular meetings with producers of daytime and specialist shows and Heads of Music where we discuss tracks and build up interest for it to be considered for spot plays and playlisting. Our pluggers keep in touch with the radio stations to make sure they are updated on the development and progress of the release.

Our regional radio promotion covers selected independent local radio across the Cameroon. Our pluggers pitch to heads of music, DJ’s and presenters and aim to provide both playlist additions and opportunities for interviews and PA’s at roadshows. Our pluggers cover all the big group stations including Bauer and Global amongst others.

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